Know more about our Healthy Practices.
1. Bridge Course
2. NSS-Community Outreach Programme
3. Enhancing teaching and other soft skills
4. Use of Smart Board
5. Student Portfolio
6. TLMs & E-Materials productions
7. Blended Teaching
8. Web Creation & M-Apps, Web.2 ICT Learning
9. Quality Publication
10. Developing Research Insight
11. Holistic Development
12. Self-Appraisal & Self-regulation:
13. Transparent and participatory governance
14. Career Guidance and Counseling
15. Placements
16. Peer Council & Peer Tutoring
17. Monitor Initiated Teaching towards Remediation
18. Each One Teach One
19. Appreciation and Rewards
20. College Pledge and Song
1. Value-oriented development: We believe that values should guide us in development and progress of all our educational endeavors. Therefore, ethics and value-education are interwoven in curriculum and integrated in teaching-learning process. Passion for perseverance and aspiration towards ethical and aesthetic development are our credo.
2. Community-College Links: Since education and society are closely interlinked, working with the Community Outreach Programme is a very significant aspect of the training programme here.
3. Competition is said to be the mother of excellence, but co-operation brings out the best in people. Attempts are made to attain a balance between the two by stretching the competitive instincts and encouraging maximum, multilayered participation in events and activities. Most of the events are conducted by the students themselves. The focus is on Team-Building.
4. In order to keep pace with the technological developments, our attempts have been on using technology to its maximum. In the process, we have reduced use of paper. Although not a paperless office, ours is one using less paper. We communicate through our website. Much of reading materials as well as other support materials are placed on the website.
5. Self-Appraisal is a sure way to improvement. Appraisal by management, faculty members as well as students in different modes is a regular feature of our system.
6. Transparent and participatory governance: Democracy in its true essence implies involvement of all the beneficiaries in the process of decision-making. With this in view, the Peer Council is formed to encourage the teachers-in-making to learn to take decision, be accountable for the same, develop interpersonal skills and leadership qualities. This also helps in taking decisions that are multi-layered and multi-dimensional.
7. Counseling: Nobody can be taught anything. All that educational institutions can do is create a climate that is congenial to learning and development. Attempts are made to create a supportive climate through supervised study sessions, individual guidance and counselig, career counseling, even assistance in job-placement.
8. Self-regulation: Freedom is in thinking, not in laws. With a view to shaping the mind-set of the individuals at this college, much of the work is undertaken with individual choice. To give one example, there is no bell to announce the beginning or end of any session. Individuals can be autonomous without damaging the overall systemic structure. The goal is healthy work culture of commitment, conviction and compassion.
9. Appreciation and Rewards: To encourage initiative and commitment to the task on hand, individuals are appreciated profusely and rewarded duly.
10.The Pledge: When we talk about our dreams and commitments to others, we do not merely communicate the words. Voicing our aspirations publicly implies promising, ensuring such conduct on our part. With this aim in view, we have commenced the practice of the The Pledge or oath. The The Pledge is nor merely a set of words, but a constant reminder to ourselves of the task, the responsibility on hand. Thereby, we have committed ourselves to a cause.